The first comprehensive Blockchain Based solution that limits all your crypto activities in one place.
Cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity much faster than expected. The crypto industry has grown and developed significantly, crypto has spawned a wide range of DeFi products, Insurance, NFT, Loans, Mulchain, Metaverse and a whole ecosystem of interesting use cases. Attracts many beginners and experienced traders and investors. Being new to the industry, these new investors can run into problems with choosing cryptocurrencies for their investments that are unsafe and have little or no potential. Trading is not an easy task, especially in crypto. One needs to collect a lot of small pieces of information and analyze it in order to be successful. Trading requires searching, roaming, reviewing, cross-checking, and so on.
What is CoinRadr?
CoinRadr is a Revolutionary Tracking & Trading App that provides you with the best Trading & Investment opportunities in the Cryptocurrency Market. This is the first comprehensive Blockchain Based solution that limits all your crypto activities in one place.
CoinRadr is the first comprehensive Blockchain-based DeFi solution to provide a complete all-in-one DeFi experience. With CoinRadr you can manage all your crypto assets (Cefi, Defi, Memes, NFT), check market cap, view portfolio analytics, pump, dump & rough token alerts, search tokens based on social metrics, earn daily rewards, unlock premium content, with easily exchange tokens with inbuilt dapp browser, onboard tokens with Launchpad in the app, manage NFT & use apps in Metaverse.
Why Choose CoinRadr?
Trusted Portfolio Manager.
Track your every asset from a complete user-friendly dashboard
Adequate security and encryption to ensure data security and privacy.
Guaranteed industry standard
Earn Up to 1000% holding Daily Trading Signals & high impact fundamentals.
Receive exit alerts/coin risk management based on on-chain data
Get instant whale alerts & big mover notifications
Earn crypto daily by performing certain tasks on Coinradr
CoinRadr . Features
CoinRadr has many amazing tools that provide a completely new experience & offer owners of the following crypto assets
Coin Market Cap: This feature displays coin/token asset prices, 24-hour trading volume by exchange, traded quantity, assets Market cap categories by asset type (deFi, NFT, metaverse, storage, multichain category, meme coin)
Earn Daily Profit: CoinRadr offers a cross-chain yield aggregator that allows users to get a return on their assets from a yield farm simply by staking it in the vault. CoinRadr will also have a Yield Farming Tool that provides statistics (hourly, daily, and weekly) for the pool popular farm.
High APY Alert: Grow your funds by connecting them to the highest and safest APY of various pools on decentralized exchanges.
Portfolio Analysis: Seamlessly display the profit and loss status of individual assets.
News Alerts: Instantly receive news headlines and trends from top project teams and media platforms
Pump & Dump Alert: Provides a new algorithm to detect pumps and quickly dump coins/tokens. It prevents losses in investments due to wrong or misinformed decisions by traders & Investors.
Crypto Asset Analytics: One stop menu to see all features at a glance. It helps to easily find gem projects, view coin/token health & get instant investment decisions.
Meme tokens: Memes are delivering a new wave of adoption. This category provides access to the best trending meme coins based on social engagement metrics & provides market cap.
New Listing Notifications: Get to know about the tokens/coins listed. Log in from the start and increase your chances of making a profit.
Trading Signals: Provides daytime & durable gem coin/token signals from a team of experts. You can easily grow your funds up to 1000% profit trading these signals.
Dapps Browser: Connect to your offline wallet & get instant access to decentralized exchanges. You can exchange tokens and trade your favorite tokens.
Launchpad: Onboarding menus for incubator projects, seed rounds, private sales, and public rounds. You can fund the best startups and get a good return on investment.
CoinRadr Socials: Get honest crypto discussions & trending tokens from top influencers with their social engagements.
Whale Alerts: Know when whales (the biggest investors) buy or sell some or all of their holdings.
Import & Export Analytics Data: Easily import your app details using the login profile feature. You can create and sync customized apps. Export reports in supported formats.
Exchange Sync: CoinRadr also provides support for the top 5 exchanges with the same sync speed and has encrypted data that stores user information securely. This feature is highly guaranteed due to the inbuilt security of the CoinRadr design architecture. This model further represents a new design for the security of user data which is in high demand.
special features
Earn Daily Earnings: Complete certain tasks with the app to earn daily token incentives from app earnings. High APY Alert: Invest in the highest and safest APY from multiple pools on decentralized exchanges to grow your money.
Portfolio Analysis: Profit and loss status of each asset is shown consistently.
News Alerts: Get the latest and trending news from top project teams and online media in real time.
Anti Pump & Dump Alerts: Provides a unique algorithm to detect pumps and dump coins quickly. It prevents investment losses due to bad or wrong decisions by traders and investors.
Crypto Asset Analytics: One stop menu for quick access to all features It makes it easy to find gem projects, check coin/token health and get instant feedback to help investment decisions.
Meme tokens: Memes have ushered in a new era of adoption. This category lists the most popular meme currencies based on their social engagement data and market ratings.
NFT & Metaverse: Track the most valuable NFT and Metaverse tokens.
Trading Signals: Professional team provide hodl and long coin/token gem indicators. Trading with these signals can increase your funds up to 1000 percent.
Dapps Browser: Connect your offline wallet to a decentralized exchange for instant access. You can exchange your favorite tokens and do token exchange.
Launchpad: There are onboarding menus for incubator projects, seed rounds, private sales, and public rounds. You can invest in top startups and get a fair return on your money.
News: Never miss the top trending news on your radar. CoinRadr Socials: You can learn about the hottest crypto debates and trending tokens by watching social interactions from leading influencers.
Whale Warning: If whales (the biggest investors) buy or sell some or all of their assets, you should be wary.
Import and export of analytical data: The login profile feature makes it easy to import your app details. You can create and sync your own personal settings in the app. Reports can be exported in various formats.
Exchange Sync : CoinRadr also supports the top five exchanges with the same sync speed and uses encrypted data to protect user information. Due to CoinRadr's built-in security architecture, this feature is almost guaranteed. This concept is also a new approach to the coveted security of user data.
Token $RADR
The $RADR Token is CoinRadr's primary currency that powers all the utilities of its ecosystem.
Token $RADR
The $RADR Token is CoinRadr's primary currency that powers all the utilities of its ecosystem.
Token Name: CoinRadr Token Ticker: $RADR Total Supply: 100M
CoinRadr . Utility
Serve as a bet reward for long term DPY
Supports all utility payments using the DApp browser of the CoinRadr app.
$RADR will support all NFT and Metaverse utilities in the ecosystem.
Active users on the app will be rewarded with $RADR, which will be commensurate with their activity and contribution to the growth of the ecosystem.
Serves as a means of payment for all transactions made in the application.
CoinRadr is building the future of finance.It creates a protocol that will bridge decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional finance (TradFi), allowing both sectors to benefit from one another.The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies requires a close watch on the market and a closer look at your portfolio.Monitoring all of your crypto assets across the evolving and advancing nature of blockchain can be intense and problematic.The solution?"Coin Radar".Coinradr is a unique and easy-to-use multichain portfolio tracker that allows you to track your assets across all networks on the blockchain.
2Ether menyediakan launchpad berbiaya rendah yang nyaman untuk startup yang menjanjikan 2Ether adalah koin digital baru berdasarkan blockchain Ethereum. Tidak seperti token ERC20, ini adalah cryptocurrency yang sepenuhnya independen - dengan blockchain sendiri, insentif penambangan, dan sebagainya. Ini sepenuhnya mendukung kontrak pintar yang ditulis dalam Solidity dan kompatibel dengan Ethereum dApps. Tim 2Ether memiliki beberapa tujuan utama: Mendorong penambang CPU / GPU independen dan melindunginya dari dominasi lahan pertambangan menggunakan perangkat keras ASIC. Ini sangat penting sekarang karena blok penghargaan pada Ethereum telah dipotong oleh sepertiga, dan harga pasar masih cukup rendah. Penambangan Ethereum berhenti menguntungkan, mendorong penambang kecil keluar dari pasar. Kami menyadari bahwa inflasi dapat menjadi masalah bagi mata uang digital apa pun, sehingga hadiah harus dikurangi seiring waktu. Tetapi tidak benar bahwa ...
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