The First Multi-chain Gamified DAO NFT Marketplace Creation Platform
About Xircus
The world's first multi-chain DAO gaming platform, Xircus allows users to essentially develop and implement a pre-ordered NFT marketplace. Xircus users can build and start a customized NFT trading platform for free in just a few simple steps. Xircus is a kind of pan-dimensional door to the world of non-exchangeable digital assets.
Any content creator out there may be a little unsure and fearful when it comes to sharing their content online, because once the content is online all over the world, it is not easy to claim ownership and sometimes it is difficult and complicated even to monetize. that's right. This is where Xircus comes to the rescue.
It is a powerful, unique, and automated platform that empowers artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and marketers by enabling them to largely build a customized NFT marketplace. The platform is open to everyone thanks to decentralized software (DSaaS). This is the simplest, safest, most time efficient, and cheapest method of building a personal marketplace for NFT.
Influencers lose ownership of their content when they post it online. Imagine if they could monetize it?
Decentralization has been a recurring subject throughout the history of the blockchain in some respects, which is quite important. The promise to shift power from a truly centralized type of institution and return it to the people is the strongest argument pushing for a truly decentralized type of digital currency value system, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. NFT in particular is basically a pretty exciting new product in reach. The traditional NFT marketplace that provides access to this new class of digital assets largely solves many problems, but one in particular: giving individuals, essentially such as content producers, artists, and influencers, for all intents and purposes more power and control.
Xircus has developed an architecture on top of dedicated, high -speed servers that can handle millions, if not tens of millions, of requests per minute, which is generally quite significant. They have built a cloud firewall to ensure that unauthorized DDoS attacks are stopped immediately.
Unleash the power of the decentralized NFT market, give back what they deserve and let them own their content.
While the market is in the process, there is a kind of exponential increase in NFT demand. The most powerful common use of blockchain technology is probably non-fungible tokens (NFT). NFTs are generally special because they specifically provide a layer of infringing security that is undoubtedly secure for authenticating the uniqueness of digital assets.
This is for the most part generally the first platform that allows users to gradually build and for the most part operate the NFT market in a fairly substantial way. This type of platform is supported by native utility tokens that have quite a few applications in the Xircus ecosystem immediately in a massive way. It also has challenges, especially the kind of token economy that is quite lucrative on a large scale. Although originally designed on Binance specifically the Smart chain, Xircus allows multi-chain deployment in generally very other blockchain protocols, including as Polkadot, Solana, flow and in particular other blockchains that are compatible with EVM.
Xircus is basically a generally primary platform for anyone who is currently losing most of their revenue definitely due to the third party NFT market. Xircus users can actively build a pre -ordered NFT marketplace and sell non -exchangeable digital assets to their friends and followers, which is quite significant. According to conservative Xirus estimates, Xircus could essentially save NFT developers up to $ 600 million in its first year of operation. Furthermore, by democratizing access to tokenization and NFT trading, the platform will empower everyone, whether they are mostly individuals, brands, experts, startups (blockchain), or celebrities/influencers, who are quite well -known.
Anyone can especially content creators (individuals or companies) participate in the platform and can start their market. Xircus on its website has details and with the help of videos has provided the steps to join the community.
Not only that, the platform is also award driven. Every user can earn revenue from engaging in markets and platforms. Mints and transaction fees are issued to ringmasters and users on the platform as their reward for their involvement in growing the community.
How to Spread the NFT Market
A broadcaster may actually be a company or person that mostly wants to create a more comprehensive community, which is basically quite important. Any content creator out there may be a little insecure and fearful about sharing their content online, which is quite significant. Xircus allows influencers, brands, especially token makers, dapps, or crypto enthusiasts and generally in general introduces NFT to a fairly general audience. It's actually a kind of decentralized no -cost approach to embarking on a personalized NFT adventure in minutes.
no experience is required for users to create a personalized NFT marketplace where makers and collectors can buy and sell their NFT items
Building and ensuring the security of technology infrastructure is costly, time consuming, and inconvenient if not done properly. And on top of that complex smart contact building also adds cost. Xircus provides it but free of charge.
The Xircus platform has a global reach, anyone can start and promote their market
Use your local NFT marketplace and invite producers and collectors from your community, other NFT sites, and the world.
As users (content creators, musicians, artists, celebrities, etc.) can join the platform or use one of the existing marketplaces, then connect their wallets, then follow the instructions and steps mentioned in detail through the Xircus website can upload their content and then eventually be able to sell their content to their fans and followers.
The Xircus platform is controlled by utility tokens built on top of the Binance smart chain due to the fact that the chain requires low transaction costs and processes transactions on time. Xircus supports multi -chain deployment in different blockchains: polkadot, flow, Solana, and other blockchains that support EVM. Follow the announcement group for sales updates:
Tokens will be used by users to launch their market -created markets.
Tokens will allow users to spread their market across multiple blockchain protocols using tokens of your choice.
Behind every success of the Project is a dedicated, experienced and intelligent elite team. The team is the best individual who always works hard to get the best Xircus and users.
With Xircus, artists, content creators, brands, collectors, and influencers will be able to create their markets without having to learn how to code or develop markets. Thanks to Xircus for giving artists, content creators, brands, collectors, and influencers the opportunity to monetize their content and products.
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