KEYFUND - The best Autonomous Result Tokens ready to innovate to break the barriers of the crypto industry with a unique deflation mechanism
About keyfound:
KEYFUND, the best Autonomous Result Token that is ready to innovate and eager to break the barriers of the crypto industry with a unique deflation mechanism.
Incredible project with great potential and a strong team. The project has a clear development strategy that allows developers to work with confidence to improve the platform.
Extraordinary project based on the latest super technology, EXTRAORDINARY STRONG AND HONEST MANAGEMENT
it will bring financial exclusion to the new global economy through the blockchain
Tokens with maximum inventory, permanent liquidity lock, and burning on each transaction.
KeyFund is the rarest and best investment that will soon be witnessed by all crypto enthusiasts!
The meeting made a huge effort to rely on blockchain development. In addition, meetings create a strong organization to help with the task, by making it fundamentally larger. I support everyone to join the task.
Exciting project with great prospects! Good start and confident, great team interested in fast and strong project development
This will certainly be a successful project because it has a great team that is more than just qualified and focused to make this project a success
A team of professionals achieves their goals and increases their potential. The whole team is very hard working, so it really produces positive results.
It is a global -based platform that has been developed by the Best team to serve as a way for cryptocurrency investors, traders to transact digitally, in a secure way. The project is very strong based and reliable for investment. His team is good -experienced and has extensive knowledge in the field of crypto who has implemented many successful projects around the world.
A project with an exceptional approach to business development in Blockchain. I hope the team will be able to popularize their platform, I think it has resulted in an amazing project with great plans. The team is great too! This would be a remarkable example in the world of crypto.
it is the most incredibly popular platform, which shows and has great potential. Great opportunity to join a great new generation project. Here you will find many things for yourself, all detailed and stated honestly.
I hope this project will be a top project in the crypto world, because they have a strong and helpful team. This project is very popular right now and this is a very good project. I believe that
This is a very strong and powerful project. This is one of the most promising and high standard projects. This project has a great future. This project will succeed.
There is a good chance that the project will be a market leader with great teamwork. The project is getting more popular every day
This Extraordinary Project Platform is managed by an experienced and qualified team that is able to take the project to the highest level in a short time.
All project success is related to their team. A very exciting project with a specific goal and a decent team that will surely achieve its goal.
One of the few exciting projects for long -term investment! Well -designed roadmaps, transparency, and predictable growth - all this does not leave indifferent and does not let pass!
Great exciting project! Transparency and predictability. Users can easily understand their project. Also, this is a great way to offer customers so I would ask everyone to take part in this wonderful promotion.
The project has a clear development plan, an experienced team does everything to make the project the best it can be. The high ranking indicates the great potential of this project
a very promising project. I think with a strong team everything will change. The project will attract many people, happy to participate, will add more exponential features.
In this project for a long time. I like everything. Very interesting and promising project. I am glad that there is an opportunity to participate in it.
An incredible system with great potential in the future, I believe in its success and recommend you! The team is getting stronger and more professional every day!
The project includes some of the best things: an excellent team, an excellent product, a great idea, a good start! This project has a future of incredible achievements and incredible possibilities! moreover, I, as a pro in the cryptocurrency market, authoritatively declare that it is worthy of interest and I myself have been there by and by
The original project ranked well and I think it makes sense to join this project, because I see future developments..they have. The concept is clear and impressive
This project has a very bright future, because I think this project is too perfect to be a reality. This is a very cool and innovative project. The future belongs to a project like this
Unique project, with a clear road map with an experienced and successful team.
amazing project, I'm so glad I found this project. From my point of view, it is very promising and necessary. It currently meets all modern requirements and has a wide range of benefits! Go and get acquainted with the project !!
Exceptional project with great opportunities to implement system projects that seek to provide a modern platform for the community
This project deserves your attention. The idea of team competence, the results of the partnership achieved. All this shows that this project has a bright future.
The project was well managed by the team with success. This project is very good and this projector has many attractions so hopefully this project will be better in the future and cryptocurrency will be the best! We will be happy to see his achievements
Circulating Supply: 110,000,000
** Token Sales: 77,000,000
Soft hat: 22,000,000
Start time: August 23rd
End time: August 30
Investment minutes: $ 10
Token Distribution
ROADMAP (2021 - 2022) Q3 Key Fund Launch (Locked Permanent Liquidity) Q3 Burning Unsold Tokens Q3 Listing on Exchanges Q3 Smart Contract Audit Q3 Listing on Coin gecko, Coinmarketcap Q3 Key Swap Launch Q3 Aggressive Marketing Q3 Further Ecosystem Development
2Ether menyediakan launchpad berbiaya rendah yang nyaman untuk startup yang menjanjikan 2Ether adalah koin digital baru berdasarkan blockchain Ethereum. Tidak seperti token ERC20, ini adalah cryptocurrency yang sepenuhnya independen - dengan blockchain sendiri, insentif penambangan, dan sebagainya. Ini sepenuhnya mendukung kontrak pintar yang ditulis dalam Solidity dan kompatibel dengan Ethereum dApps. Tim 2Ether memiliki beberapa tujuan utama: Mendorong penambang CPU / GPU independen dan melindunginya dari dominasi lahan pertambangan menggunakan perangkat keras ASIC. Ini sangat penting sekarang karena blok penghargaan pada Ethereum telah dipotong oleh sepertiga, dan harga pasar masih cukup rendah. Penambangan Ethereum berhenti menguntungkan, mendorong penambang kecil keluar dari pasar. Kami menyadari bahwa inflasi dapat menjadi masalah bagi mata uang digital apa pun, sehingga hadiah harus dikurangi seiring waktu. Tetapi tidak benar bahwa ...
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