What is xHumanity?
xHumanity is a more "human" social network that distinguishes itself from other social networks, currently built on morality and aims to promote not only social interaction itself but also its quality, using two ways to gain value in the system: cryptocurrency and reputation. Social Media and Our Problems
all spend most of our days on social media. Especially since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic process, our use of social media has increased. In fact, the first growth began with the integration of mobile phones with social media accounts. Although social media often offers us various benefits, it can sometimes lead to serious negative developments.
In today's understanding of social media, the distribution of income is unfair. Most high-income accounts switch hands with buying and selling between individuals, which is also the only thing that really discredits the process. When there was no concept of justice, lynch culture began. Most people use bot accounts to pressure individuals they don't like and take away their freedom. People cannot freely express what they want to say.

Also, as you may recall from the Facebook scandal, the classic social media platform today does not respect assets and information as well as personal data. Even if you continue to use the platform thinking that you are using the platform for free, they are stealing your most valuable information by selling data that you think is inaccessible to anyone.
Social media platforms today are just intermediary organizations that plan to buy and sell the information they have acquired throughout their lives instead of adding value to people's lives. They are companies where people are not free, reputation has no value, only money earned by companies is important.
Three phases of the xHumanity Project:
Cure the World: The concept of trust will be built between application users as well as between users and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of Reputation and Find Fakes modules but also through charitable actions.
Fair Economy: An ecosystem will be completed that will offer the financial utility of the application. Free Market Ads and Advertising but also the integration of exchange into the system economy will offer users the possibility to earn a fair share of revenue. This is the stage for the integration of xHumanity tokens into the real economy.
Humanity Free: This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stage we have taken care of the design and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents), this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).
x Humanities and Free Social Media
On the way out, xHumanity started this business to regain the wonderful values that social media platforms are currently stealing from people. Taking advantage of the incredible freedom that blockchain technology brings, they aim to create a decentralized and customizable social media platform.
Consider social media where human values are prioritized above all else, especially money, where all participants are equal and independent, regardless of other factors. Would you prefer to use a social media platform managed with the current understanding of the company or a social media like xHumanity that was truly developed for the peace of mankind?
XHumanitas will build a decentralized reputation system built entirely by the community itself to prevent multiple bots and bot-like accounts being created on the system. The free community will choose decentralization based on a reputation for the freedom of each of its members. For conflicts that may arise in some cases, xHumanity has not forgotten to develop a reward system that will support users to reach a consensus.
Aside from all these features, the most important thing is that your personal data will only be stored with blockchain technology, so that no one else can access the data you do not want. The trust and security provided by blockchain technology will ensure the protection of all users and enable the creation of completely free social media.

xHumanity aims to help everyone impose their determination through their own self-awareness, in this way Reputation will be calculated for each member of the community and xHumanity will base its actions in the xHumanity system by mail or certain polls. other members' reactions to their own actions through the voice they can naturally receive from the community in that way xHumanity intends to transform Experience into a system
Thanks to technological advances in the near future, humanity can find itself in situations where people lose their economic benefits and the economic system no longer values them (in the free market). Although robots and computers can replace humans in many areas today, artificial intelligence cannot acquire human characteristics such as sensations and emotions in the near future.
This situation, along with the loss of human economic benefits, raises a key question: which is more important: intelligence or consciousness? The answer is quite simple. If intelligence is to be integrated into an algorithm, consciousness certainly belongs to man. Through a series of algorithms, rules, and human values, xHumanity helps people define it to maintain their most important aspect: self-awareness. Modern people suffer from fear of being left behind. Although we have more options than ever before

Map of Q4 2019 Project started basic concept and development of the core team Q1 2020 Representations obvious problem analysis and general design, the foundation of a reputation system. K2 2020 Create and detail project Functional design, find false concepts, whitepaper guidelines, Website started K3 2020 For IEO Holochain develop, complete, and publish whitepaper, build expanded team K4 2020 Start a project Design basic pattern, infrastructure development, community development K1 The first 2021 Prototype wallet, basic UI, and K2 2021 DApp serviceDapp basis, the calculation of the reputation of a standard, a mobile application K3 2021 Reputation Reputation full and reward system built Q4 2021 Phase alpha Interoperability node, network simulation, scaling testnet K1 2022 Phase beta 1 Test mainnet, beta testing and additional functionality, tag categories, proposal K2 2022 Phase beta 2 Expanded social media functionality: experience, relationships, community K3 2022 Add functionality to blogs, forum-topics-threds, questions and answers, chats, groups K4 2022 OFFICIAL LAUNCH Add all media formats integrated into the platform

For more details https://xhumanity.org/ https://xhumanity.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xHumanity_WP_v1.0.2.1.pdf https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic= 5271125.msg55059755 # msg55059755 https://www.facebook.com/xHumanityofficial https://twitter.com/xHumanity1 https://t.me/xHumanity https://www.reddit.com/user/xHumanityRo https: / /medium.com/@xhumanityro https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBBxMWB1kblFBY2qtlMdj5A/
by dilgele
link url https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2651672
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